Sergio Corbucci
Sergio Corbucci,
Bruno Corbucci,
Franco Rossetti
Franco Nero,
José Canalejas,
José Bódalo
Preceded by an introduction from Andrew Stasiulis, faculty member at DePaul University’s School of Cinematic Arts
With an addictively catchy theme song, this definitive spaghetti western by Sergio Corbucci (THE GREAT SILENCE, COMPAÑEROS) made an international star out of Franco Nero and officially ushered in the subgenre alongside Leone’s “Man With No Name” Trilogy. DJANGO’s brand of bleak nihilism would be repeatedly emulated in a raft of over 50 unofficial sequels.
Nero gives a career-defining performance as Django, a mysterious, charming loner who arrives at a mud-drenched ghost town on the Mexico-US border, ominously dragging a coffin behind him…
91 mins
Also Part Of Mud, Blood, & Marinara: Spaghetti Westerns