Sergio Leone
Sergio Donati,
Sergio Leone,
Dario Argento
Henry Fonda,
Charles Bronson,
Claudia Cardinale
Preceded by an introduction from Andrew Stasiulis, faculty member at DePaul University’s School of Cinematic Arts
Directed by Sergio Leone, this epic Western re-established the genre, and still stands as one of the greatest, artistic films of all time. Henry Fonda stars as Frank, a ruthless murderous psychopath who feels no remorse, even after annihilating Mrs. McBain’s (Claudia Cardinale) entire family. Charles Bronson plays The Man, a harmonica wielding loner who will never forget how his brother was savagely tortured. The Man joins forces with Cheyenne (Jason Robards), the man wrongfully accused of murdering Mrs. McBain’s family, to put an end once and for all to Frank’s reign of terror.
166 mins
Also Part Of Mud, Blood, & Marinara: Spaghetti Westerns